Amazingly Graffiti Artworks – A Creative Collection!!

lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012 - Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 17:18

One of the most infamous types of graphic arts is street and road graffiti. It is known for decades and have enhanced over the passage of time. In earlier times it was employed by the Romans as a symbol of expression and opinions against their kings. In the modern world, street graffiti is a common technique of showing governmental and humorous reviews on the surfaces of both community and personal property. But on the other hand, it is also considered as a shrewd and infamous form of art as it harasses community and personal belongings.
As visual artists, graffiti is always a creativity spot as it helps in studying novel and modern ways of showing thoughts using art. This way of artwork has rapidly crept into the area of graphic designing as well. In this post, you will witness 22 of the most surreal graffiti art done on streets from all over the world. Each and every one of these graphics is odd but interesting. You can learn a lot from these graffiti artworks.

Minimalist Famous Movie Posters – Simply Effective!!

Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 17:09

Who doesn’t love movies and the glossy movie posters? They’re the first thing that catches your eye when you step into a movie theatre, even before you’ve caught a glimpse of the first scene. Good photography is the mainstay of most movie posters; after all, a picture can say more than a thousand words.
But a picture doesn’t have to have a thousand elements in it to be as effective. For instance, some designers make clever movie posters that are based on only a single object. And yet, they convey the entire theme of the movie quite effectively. Sometimes, an object used on a simple movie poster may just reflect the title of the movie and not the entire theme. As long as the posters are catchy and jaw-dropping, the designer has pretty much done a great job.
To portray the entire subject matter of a movie with the help of a single design element is an art in itself. I have always been a fan of this creative concept and posted 25 Imaginative Minimalist Posters of Famous Movies earlier too. Coming up with minimalist movie posters requires a designers creativity to the maximum, so he comes up with something that leaves onlookers completely awe-inspired.

Fight Club

Animal Photo Manipulations

Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 16:59

One of the most remarkable things seen in the designing world today are photo manipulations. They’re funny, creative and quite entertaining most of the times. Two things can be merged together to create amazing new photos that will surely leave anyone awe-struck. But let us warn you: while this may look funny and easy to a layman’s eye, this requires some top class photo editing skills.
Take the case of these animal photo manipulations we have presented below. See the level of finesse and precision you see. Parts of various animals bodies have been merged together to come up with these amusing combinations. While many may roll over with laughter at the new image created, some may even find them creepy!
We hope you’ll like this assortment of manipulated photos and the funny-looking creatures created by designers.

Popular Video Games Characters – Mortal Kombat Vs Street Fighter!!

Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 16:49

If you are an arcade game fan then you can never forget the two most popular games ever produced Street Fighter (released in 1989) and Mortal Kombat (released in 1992). Both the games became instant hits when released. The graphic designers behind both the games actually blessed their characters with personality traits which were not usually seen back then. The graphic designer of Mortal Kombat John Tobias is American based cartoon and graphic designer. Whereas Kode, an Australian based cartoonist and graphic designer, created magic with his Street Fighter’s characters.
Both the games were groundbreaking success due to many reasons and one distinct feature that still stands out is the designs of the characters. Following are the main 10 characters from both the games. It is strange to witness that some of the characters share same traits. So, “Let the Fight of Designs Begin”.

Ryu (Street Fighter)

Art of Macro Photography – 5 Tips to Improve your Shots

Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 16:36
Photography in its own self is sheer fun. There are many kinds of photography which are practiced these days. Macro photography is amongst the most detailed photography of all kinds. It shows a usual object in entirely new form. Digital Macro Photography mainly enhances the beauty of small and tiny objects. If you are interested in macro photography then you should definitely purchase a DSLR or SLR camera. This way you will enjoy every experience of photo capturing.

The beauty lies in the magnification of the tiny objects like insects, wires, droplets and birds etc. Not every photographer knows the art of capturing the photo. Therefore, for all those individuals who are interested in taking some great shots with their SLR or DSLR cameras following are some helpful tips and techniques which I learned by experimenting different settings and ways. I hope they will benefit you all!

Unbelievable 3D Still Photography Shots!

Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 16:24
3D – the three dimensional photography is talk of town these days. Have you ever noticed the effects which we get from 3D photographs? They are undoubtedly phenomenal. There are many artistes who have now started to shoot 3D photographs to get noticed by the critics. More over they also get appreciation for doing different shoots which were never seen earlier by the humans. If we talk about something that is here to stay for a longer period of time, then 3D photography is amongst those arts of photography.
Following are few interesting and amazing examples of 3D photography. I hope you will enjoy them all and share your comments on them. It will definitely be a new and entertaining experience for you all!

Photoshop Dragan Effect Photography – Perfect Examples!!

Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 16:15

Photoshop can create magic – this statement is becoming true with every passing day. There are many tools and techniques with the help of which designers can now play with pictures, images and logos etc. All is possible because of the Photoshop’s amazing tools and newly developed techniques. Dragan effect is much talked about tool in today’s time. This effect gives some amazing effects to the photograph. The picture looks more dramatic, clear and vivid with the help of this tool.
There are multiple designers and photographers who are exploring this tool and creating some amazing art pieces to attract the attention of the audiences. And the best part is, they are getting lucky with every new picture because people love these pictures, undeniably.
Following are some good examples of Dragan Effect, for you to understand why this is liked by so many people.

Brand Identity – The Myths and Misconceptions

Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 16:10
For the businesses these days, it is important to stand out from the crowd as there is a lot of competition faced by them. One of the most effective ways is to create distinctive brand identity so that a business is able to capture top place in the consumers’ minds. Of course, it is important for every company or business to focus on its brand identity creation but a word of caution is that they should try avoiding to get caught up in some common myths prevalent in the market these days. For decades, the companies have realized that they can create their brand identities by themselves and even seek assistance from the professionals available in the field. Whether a business is small or large, it needs to work on creating its brand identity that will help the business in attracting the customers towards its products and services.

Bird Paper Sculptures – An Animal Paper Art

Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 15:54
Nothing is impossible and no idea can go in vein provided the efforts are immense. Keeping this thing in mind Diana Herrera Beltran from Columbia has created some amazing art pieces. These are the sculptures of birds and animals in awesome colors. The interesting fact is that these birds and animals are created with the help of paper pieces. It is a totally different form of art which she has practiced and show cased on different mediums.
At the age of 24 this amazing and talented artist is very promising and one can tell that she has a long way to go! I have collected some of her art pieces to show her talent to the world through my blog. I hope you will appreciate this young artist’s efforts and hard work. Do share your thoughts and opinion on these images as appreciation can always help an artist to bring the best out of him or her. Enjoy these images!

Black & White Portraits by Benoit Courti – French Inspiration!!

Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 15:47
There are so many people who are blessed with multiple talents. They need time to recognize their talent and skills. The self actualization does not depend upon their age but their inclination and passion to work for their interest. Similarly, Benoit Courti also got introduced to his artistic side after starting a career in music industry as a music composer. He is definitely a good music composer without a doubt, but he is much better portrait artist. His professional photographs are also talk of town since 2010. Within 2 years’ time he has managed to gain fame through producing some great photographs and portraits.
This amazing French photographer is based in Paris and he is known as a genius in artist fraternity. Following are some samples of his amazing work. Just try to focus on the kind of great art he portrays through his black and white portraits and photographs. He can easily give a serious competition to any portrait artist / photographer. Enjoy his astonishing work!

Multicolored Design for Olympics 2012 – Colorful and Bright

Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 15:41
Its Olympics time and everyone is going mad about it. Be it a man, woman or kid every individual is excited about it. No matter what ager of gender the person belongs, Olympics 2012 are talk of town.Charis Tsevis is a visual designer from Greece. He has created some amazing displays for the Olympics 2012. It is confirmed that these designs are created for Yahoo’s coverage for Olympics. The designs are undoubtedly very appealing and this is the reason why these designs are getting more and more recognition and likeness from all around the world. These images display different games played in Olympics.
Games like gymnastic, diving, swimming and running are highlighted in these images. Moreover the sign and moments of victory are also highlighted aesthetically. Enjoy the amazing art by the talented designer. His representation is fine and very detailed, kudos to his art work. Enjoy the images and share your comments.


Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 15:28

Si de repente has visto como muchos de tus contactos de facebook han empezado a subir imágenes con frases que comienza con “Keep Calm” y no tienes ni idea de qué va el rollo, en Tu Mente Crea te lo vamos a explicar.
La historia del mensaje original se remonta a la segunda Guerra Mundial. Ante la posibilidad de la invasión del imperio británico por las tropas alemanas, el Ministerio de Propaganda inglés ideó una serie de esloganes para concienciar a su población y mantenerla unida. El más famoso de estos mensajes fue el de “Keep Calm And Carry On” que en español se traduciría como “Tranquilidad y siga adelante”.

Little Printer, la impresora 2.0

Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 15:22

El estudio Londinense Berg esta trabajando en un concepto que a priori, parece una tremenda chorrada, pero cuando lo piensas…ves que es mas…
Little Printer es una impresora basada en la nube (of course), donde podremos imprimir por ejemplo, los aniversarios de nuestros amigos de Facebook, nuestras  estadísticas de Nike +, o la portada deThe Guardian, en forma de ticket.
Realmente se trata de una impresora basada en la misma tecnología que los datáfonos o las maquinas registradoras, una impresora térmica, barata y con buena resolución.
Lo que comentaba antes, será una chorrada, servirá para poco, pero no me negareis que no es una idea muy romántica, la de tener nuestra vida 2.0 en tickets sueltos por la billetera.
Está previsto que se ponga a la venta en 2012 y yo me intentaré hacer con una en cuanto pueda.

El arte de hiperrealista de Hernán Cortés

Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 15:19

A ver para empezar, no confundamos a Hernán Cortés Moreno,ilustrador;  con Hernán Cortés, el conquistador. Despues de esta innecesaria introducción, pasemos a lo que nos interesa.
Estos dias Hernán Cortés, esta vez también el ilustrador, ha estado en primera plana de las noticias, ya que ayer presentó su obra para conmemorar el  30 aniversario de las primeras elecciones democráticas en España.
Bueno, el revuelo viene por todo lo que ya sabemos…que si ha costado 417.000 euros, que si no era necesario, pero vamos que aquí esto como que tampoco nos interesa mucho.
Hoy quería hablar de la obra de este gaditano, que tiene en su curriculum el honor de haber retratado a grandes personajes de la historia politica y social de este pais.
Sin más, os dejo con algunas muestras de su trabajo.

Los dragones de Ciruelo

Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 15:05

No puedo evitar poner un post inspiracional sobre Ciruelo Cabral. Menudas ilustraciones vimos en la mini exposición que hicieron en Montjuïc (Barcelona).

El argentino y graduado en diseño publicitario e ilustración nos ofrece arte fantástico y ancestral que podemos encontrar en varios libros (los grandes Forgotten Realms de Salvatore o novelas de George Lucas), CD's o incluso cartas de Magic. Me gustaría destacar el Cuaderno de Viajes de Ciruelo y el Cuaderno de Sueños de Ciruelo.

Ya no hace falta láser para borrar tatuajes.

Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 14:51

Hoy mi madre ha venido a casa diciendo ¿Has visto al hombre tatuado maquillado?, y me he quedado ...Eing? ._.
Después de estar buscando por Internet para saber a qué se refería he encontrado el vídeo de youtube que se ha convertido en una campaña viral de la marca de cosméticos Dermablend. Con su campaña Go beyond the cover trabajan bajo el lema de How do you judge a book? 

Zombie Boy (Rico Genest), un hombre tatuado de pies a cabeza, es quien protagoniza tal vídeo. El maquillaje con "poder cubritivo" consigue borrarle cada uno de sus tatuajes. 

El curioso caso de la niña índigo

Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 14:43

Señores. Estamos a final de trimestre, así que no me tengan en cuenta mis pocos posts por semana - hace cara de angelito mientras mira a sus seguidores-.

Peeeeeeero, he encontrado un pequeño y curioso talento llamado Akiane Kramarick. Una chica (dicen que prodigio) de tan solo 17 años famosa por sus realistas pinturas. A los 4 años empezó a dibujar y a los 6 ya pintaba. Su madurez e inteligencia la hacen ser un ejemplo más de "niña índigo", ya que puede sentirse orgullosa de su largo currículum a su corta edad. Pese a tener una tendencia claramente cristiana su estilo es impresionante. Afirma que sus obras son para que la gente encuentre esperanza. Mirad su evolución:

Abstracción italiana a mano de Marco Puccini.

Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 14:16

¡Buenas noches ebribadi!

Aquí seguimos con el despropósito de postear al menos un par de veces por semana, pero hay que decir que se escribe con más ganas. Hoy va de ilustración y fotografía.

Solo diré que me he enamorado de Marco Puccini y sus obras made in Italy, algunas usadas para grandes firmas en publicidad.

Tampoco tienen desperdicio sus vídeos (se abren solos, así que darle al pause). Cortos, abstractos y raros. Vaya, geniales y muy inspiracionales.

Cortos y veranos largos.

Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 13:54

Recién vuelta de hacer el freak en Alemania, cumpliendo 5 de los 11 propósitos del año (incluido el de ser amiga de Chtulhu), buscando las gafas perfectas a lo Ozzy Osbourne y la cámara de vídeo que me salve la vida, viajando entre mar y montaña, teniendo la amiga haciendo el Camino de Santiago y evitando ponerme morena, aquí estoy. En un pueblo sin Internet.

Además, llega una nave a Marte, Hotmail se muere y se cambia por Outlook, Actimel cambia de logo y de packaging, mandamos a los indignos a tomar Fanta, los arroces vuelven a anunciarse de manera conservadora y nos emocionamos con el anuncio de P&G de los Juegos Olímpicos que se están jugando ahora mismo.

A todo esto, desearos un buen agosto y felices vacaciones junto a un post que tenía pendiente de junio sobre un concurso de cortos: Los ganadores del Vimeo Festival 2012.

Symmetryde Everynone.Ganador de la categoría Lyrical.

Incredible Graffiti Artworks – Street Talent!!

Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 13:37

One of the most controversial forms of artwork is street graffiti. It has been prevalent since centuries and has matured and refined over the years. It was used by the Romans as a sign of protest and criticism against their rulers. Street graffiti is still a common way of expressing political and satirical remarks on the walls of both public and private property. But conversely, it is also considered as a devious and notorious form of art as it exploits and harasses public and private possessions.
As graphic designers, graffiti is always an inspiration point as it helps in learning new and innovative ways of expressing feelings and emotions in the form of art. This technique of artwork has swiftly crept into the field of design including logo design as well. Today, I have collected a fresh compilation of 22 street graffiti artworks that will leave you amazed. I personally enjoyed each and every one of them thoroughly and hope that you will also like them.

5 Mind-Blowing Brandversations – Shuffling the Famous Logos!

Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 13:19
mis 60 entradas favoritas

Lately, I came across a project posted on the inspirational site termed “The Greatest Brandversations”. This incredibly creative assignment was completed by Stefan Asafti, a designer from Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The project visually portrays a sort of a brand war between famous brands. The designer has taken two top rivals from 5 different industries and switched the logo designof both rival companies to make a sort of visual confusion for the brand lovers.
The project revolves around the idea that the modern day brands have established a history among their customers. There have been several famous brand rivalries like the one between Coke and Pepsi. These brands used to visually communicate this rivalry through their creative and conceptual ads. Stefan, in his project, has shown this visual communication by showing how the logos of both rivals influence one another.
Stefan has successfully demonstrated that he is among the talented and creative graphic designers. I thoroughly enjoyed watching these mind-boggling brandversations of 5 famous brands and surely hope that you guys will also be amazed to watch them.

Examples of Split Toning in Photography – Reviving Old Memories

Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 12:50
With respect to photography, the term toning is a technique of transforming a monochrome photograph (usually black and white) to color form. This method has originally transported from the world of cinematography. But after being adopted in the digital graphic design world, the term split toning has evolved and gained more prominence.

• Origins of Split Toning:

Decades ago, our ancestors were exposed to only black and white film and photography as there was no other technology to capture color effects. But in the mid 19th century, hand-colored film processes were developed and many epic films and cartoons were re-created and re-distributed in color mode.

A famous example is the Three Stooges Movie that was colorized and re-distributed.

Tricky Optical Illusion Pictures – Find the Hidden Figures!

Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 12:36

We all have heard the proverbial phrase “A picture is worth a thousand words. But what I am about to showcase today needs a new expression…“A picture in worth a thousand pictures.” Yes folks, I’m talking about visual images that show pictures within a picture. Also known as optical illusions, this technique tests the human mind to figure out odd and bizarre things that differ from objective reality. This concept is greatly employed by graphic designers in creating hidden logos and other graphic artworks with hidden concepts.
Recall the Apple logo that was revealed in tribute to Steve Jobs? It is a perfect example of an optical illusion that cleverly shows an outline of Steve’s face within the Apple logo.

optical illusion picture

Optical illusions can be of three main types. The first are Literal Illusions that produce images in contrast to the objects used. Second are dubbed Physiological Illusions that are created in the human mind due to excessive stimulation. The last type of illusions is Cognitive which is a result of unconscious presumptions of the human brain.
Today’s compilation displays 25 crazy and mindboggling optical illusion pictures. Each of these pictures comprise of hidden figures in them. Test your mind and see if you can find out all of them. All the best!