Popular Video Games Characters – Mortal Kombat Vs Street Fighter!!

lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012 - Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 16:49

If you are an arcade game fan then you can never forget the two most popular games ever produced Street Fighter (released in 1989) and Mortal Kombat (released in 1992). Both the games became instant hits when released. The graphic designers behind both the games actually blessed their characters with personality traits which were not usually seen back then. The graphic designer of Mortal Kombat John Tobias is American based cartoon and graphic designer. Whereas Kode, an Australian based cartoonist and graphic designer, created magic with his Street Fighter’s characters.
Both the games were groundbreaking success due to many reasons and one distinct feature that still stands out is the designs of the characters. Following are the main 10 characters from both the games. It is strange to witness that some of the characters share same traits. So, “Let the Fight of Designs Begin”.

Ryu (Street Fighter)

Sub Zero (Mortal Kombat)

Mighty Bison (Street Fighter)

Heat Dhalsim (Street Fighter)

Shang Tsung (Mortal Kombat)