Multicolored Design for Olympics 2012 – Colorful and Bright

lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012 - Publicado por Daniel Cevallos en 15:41
Its Olympics time and everyone is going mad about it. Be it a man, woman or kid every individual is excited about it. No matter what ager of gender the person belongs, Olympics 2012 are talk of town.Charis Tsevis is a visual designer from Greece. He has created some amazing displays for the Olympics 2012. It is confirmed that these designs are created for Yahoo’s coverage for Olympics. The designs are undoubtedly very appealing and this is the reason why these designs are getting more and more recognition and likeness from all around the world. These images display different games played in Olympics.
Games like gymnastic, diving, swimming and running are highlighted in these images. Moreover the sign and moments of victory are also highlighted aesthetically. Enjoy the amazing art by the talented designer. His representation is fine and very detailed, kudos to his art work. Enjoy the images and share your comments.

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